Conference Organizing Committee

Strand Leaders

The conference is organized around the following 9 Strands that address topics of interest to the SciEd community. The Strand Leaders listed for each topic have volunteered their time to help organize an engaging and useful conference for all participants. Please contact them if you have suggestions for a conference session or are willing to help organize or present in a session. Email addresses can be found via browser searches.

Broadening Participation Strand

Luke H. Bradley, PhD

Professor of Neuroscience, University of Kentucky College of Medicine

Michael Kennedy, PhD

Research Professor of Neurobiology, and Director, Science in Society, Northwestern University

Megan A. Mekinda, PhD

Director for Education, Training, and Evaluation, University of Chicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center

Curriculum Development Strand

Sunita Chaudhary, PhD

Associate Professor of Surgical Oncology, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Director, Research Education, Rutgers University Cancer Institute

William R. Folk, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry, University of Missouri

Sarah Wojiski, PhD

Director of Education, The Jackson Laboratory

Informal Science Education Strand

Molly L. Kelton, PhD

Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, Washington State University

Carla Romney, DSc, MBA

Director of Research, CityLab, Boston University School of Medicine

Nathan L. Vanderford, PhD, MBA

Associate Professor of Toxicology and Cancer Biology, University of Kentucky College of Medicine

Interactive Multimedia for STEM Learning Strand

Amir Attia, PhD

Associate Professor of Graphic Design, The School of Computing and Design, California State University, Monterey Bay

Georgia W. Hodges, PhD

Associate Research Scientist, Mary Frances Early College of Education, University of Georgia

Brinley Kantorski, EdD

Director of Education and Multimedia Development, The Partnership in Education, Duquesne University

Project Administration Strand

Jocelyn Dixon, MS, MPH, RDN, LDN

Assistant Director, Food-based Early Education (FEEd) Lab, North Carolina State University

Anna Marsden, MBA

Senior Manager, Programs to Enhance Diversity, Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah

Katherine Nielsen, MA, MS

Director, Science and Health Education Partnership, University of California, San Francisco

Research and Evaluation Strand

Alison Allen, MEd

Senior Research Associate and Research Manager, Rockman et al Cooperative, Inc.

Adaeze Egwuatu, PhD

NASEM NRC Research Fellow, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

Alana D. Newell, PhD

Assistant Professor of Education, Innovation and Technology, and Center for Educational Outreach, Baylor College of Medicine

Research Experiences for Students and Teachers Strand

M. Eileen Dolan, PhD

Professor of Medicine, and Deputy Director, University of Chicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center

Alyson Michael, MS

Senior Scientist, New Hampshire Academy of Science

Science Teaching and Learning Strand

Jeanne Chowning, PhD

Associate Vice President, Science Education, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Debra L. Yourick, PhD

Director, Science Education and Fellowship Programs, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

Teacher Professional Development Strand

Maurice Godfrey, PhD

Professor, Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center

Pamela A. Koch, EdD

Mary Swartz Rose Associate Professor of Nutrition and Education, Teachers College Columbia University

Virginia C. Stage, PhD, RDN

Associate Professor of Nutrition Science, North Carolina State University