Session Proposals
The SciEd Conference provides an outstanding opportunity for members of our community to learn with and from each other. This learning depends in large part on members of the community volunteering to organize breakout sessions and give presentations in the short talk and showcase sessions. Please consider submitting a proposal – we welcome everyone’s participation!
Proposals may be submitted for the following types of sessions. Click on the hyperlinks to access the online proposal submission form for each type.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions (1.25 hour)
Interactive sessions that provide ample opportunities for participants to share and contribute. May also include panel discussions, skills training, and/or curriculum training.
Short Talks (15 minutes)
Short presentations on topics related to SciEd projects; e.g., novel program designs, project outcomes, research and evaluation methods and instruments, broadening participation, participant recruitment and retention, etc.
Curriculum & Multimedia Showcase
This session showcases curricula or multimedia materials that are ready to disseminate. Presenters each have a round table and participants move among tables for informal demonstrations.
Video Showcase
Presenters share and discuss videos that have been created as part of SciEd projects. Videos may be a component of educational materials or an exhibit, share program highlights, or promote a program. Videos will be grouped into 1 or more breakout sessions.
Poster Sign-Up
DEADLINE for poster sign-up is FRIDAY, APRIL 19
Use the link above to submit your poster request.
The request form includes Title, Authors, Abstract. You do not submit your poster – you’ll only bring copies to the conference.
We are trying a new format for this year’s posters.
Bring 50 copies of a 2-sided, 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper with your “poster” content in a structured format using this poster template. It is anticipated that most posters will be about an individual project. However, if the template does not work for your poster content you may modify it.
“Posters” will be displayed on tables and available to review during the conference; interested individuals can take copies.
“Posters” will be assigned to topic-based rooms with 5-6 posters/room.
Presenters will give a 1-minute Flash Talk about a topic they would like to discuss with others.
Presenters will then sit at tables and hold discussions with participants in a roundtable format. Presenters can display additional materials on a laptop or tablet, bring hands-on materials, etc.